
Moez Ullah Khan

Master's in Computer Science

Let me introduce myself

I am pursuing a Master's in Computer Science, focusing on machine learning and high-performance computing. I am committed to enhancing my technical skills and applying them to innovative projects. My portfolio reflects hands-on experience and a passion for continuous learning in these dynamic fields.


Full Name:

Moez Ullah Khan




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Work Experience

Undergraduate Research Assistant

March 2023 - May 2024

School of Computer Science | University of Oklahoma

  • Developed a Python and C++ program to simulate a 3D environment with realistic cameras, lights, and physics

  • Incorporated an AI agent capable of generating 1000+ camera versions, to minimize errors in the generated image using Machine Learning.
  • Computer Science Tutor

    August 2022 - May 2024

    University of Oklahoma

  • Tutored 600+ students over 4 semesters in computer science classes including Java, C++, Python, and JavaScript

  • Led 8+ math tutoring sessions for engineering students including calculus and other Math and engineering courses
  • 3D Workflow Student Specialist

    August 2022 - May 2023

    Emerging Technologies | University of Oklahoma

  • Calibrated 4 3D printers, by assembling their mechanical and electrical parts, achieving a 40% increase in production

  • Generated 100+ 3D models using 3D scanning and modeling, expediting the prototyping process by 35% for research projects
  • Background Education

    Master's Degree Degree

    August 2024 - May 2026 (Present)

    University of Oklahoma

    I am pursuing a Master's in Computer Science

    Bachelor's Degree

    August 2020 - May 2024

    University of Oklahoma

    I earned an Engineering major degree with a minor in Computer Science.

    International Baccalaureate

    High School Degree

    August 2018 - May 2020

    United World College in Mostar

    Founded the 3D Modeling Tutoring sessions organization. Lead a week long Biking Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    Secondary School Degree

    March 2014 - May 2017

    Aga Khan Higher Secondary School Chitral

    Became the first person to qualify for the UWC Program and KL-YES Program at the same time. Achieved one of the highest scores in grade 10th AKUEB Physics Examinations in entire Pakistan.

    Check out my creations


    • All
    • Machine Learning / AI Projects
    • Software Development Projects

    Summary of my Leadership Activities

    Computer Science Tutor

    August 2022 - May 2024

    College of Engineering | University of Oklahoma

    I tutored over 600 students across 4 semesters in computer science classes, including Java, C++, Python, and JavaScript. I also led more than 8 math tutoring sessions for engineering students, covering calculus and other math and engineering courses.

    Executive Chair

    May 2021 - Present

    Computer Science Student Board | University of Oklahoma

    As the Executive-Chair of the Computer Science Student Board, I initiated and managed our first mock interview event, coordinating with organizations and leading a team for seamless execution. I also facilitated a resume workshop, enhancing 20+ participants' professional skills. My role was pivotal in strategic planning and effective communication.

    Lead Project Manager and Programmer

    August 2023 - December 2023

    School of Mechanical Engineering | University of Oklahoma

    As the OU Robotics Team's Lead Project Manager and Programmer, I streamlined team operations, ensuring timely and quality project delivery. My leadership fostered collaboration and optimized team strengths, driving our project to success.

    Project Manager

    January 2021 - May 2021

    Engineering Showcase Competition

    As Modeling Lead at the 2021 Freshman Engineering Showcase in Norman, OK, I led a team of seven to design and build a prize-winning project, overseeing everything from conceptual design to implementation. This experience honed my skills in project management, team collaboration, and technical design, which I have since applied to my current focus in computer science.